Week 1: My Life Story

I was born June 25th, 2001 in Woodbury, Minnesota to Adriana Paiva and Simon Sanchez. My older brother, Andres, who is four years older than me, was initially not very thrilled with my birth, but he eventually accepted the role of the older brother. However, like any good older sibling, he made sure to annoy me the most he could. For example, as I was learning to walk and taking my first steps, my brother would stick his leg out and trip me, then act like it was an accident! While this may sound terrible, he is a good brother and would do it out of love. For the first six years of my life, I lived in Woodbury. I really liked Minnesota. The cold winters provided lots of snow, and I would always have lots of fun playing around in it. One of my favorite memories from these early years is from April 2006, when we got Yoda, our family dog.

In October of 2006, when I was just starting first grade, my family took a big step that would significantly change our lives. We moved to Houston because my mom was starting a new job with Shell. At first, my brother and I did not want to move, as there was no snow in Houston and it was wayyy too hot, even in the winter. However, we eventually learned to like Houston and enjoy living here. 

In Houston, I started going to Oakland Elementary School and in second grade, I met my best friend, who is still with me to this day. Elementary school was mostly just playing with my friends and it was never very hard, so I do not remember much. I started middle school at the GT Academy at QVMS, and that is where I made many of the friends that I still interact with in high school. Middle school was a great time for me, but it was never particularly hard, and I never really tried in anything. All of that changed when I started high school here at DHS. Taking all Pre-AP and AP classes has been exhausting, and being in band does not help the enormous workload at all. However, I would not take any other path in high school, because I actually enjoy the masochism that is high school.

I will graduate in June 2019, and after high school, I want to go to either UT Austin or Rice. (Probably UT, considering my brother goes there and has brainwashed me into liking UT.) I want to major in either electrical or mechanical engineering because my favorite subjects in high school were physics and chemistry. After getting my major in 2023, I plan on going to work for a company (preferably outside of Texas) as an engineer, although I am not against getting a masters or PHD.

I would like to get married soon after college to a girl that I love a lot and have 2 children, but I'm not very worried about that right now, I'm just 16. I prefer to have my children in my thirties, after I have been able to enjoy life without children.

I want to work for a good company that will pay me well for doing something that I love. I want to retire sometime in my sixties, and after retirement, I just want to relax and travel.
