Week 2: Personality Tests

Jung Typology Test
Introvert(16%)  Sensing(16%)  Thinking(6%)  Perceiving(44%)
  • You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (16%)
  • You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (16%)
  • You have slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (6%)
  • You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (44%)
I found the results of this test to be fairly accurate. I consider myself to be a bit more introverted than extroverted, as I only really talk to people I know and am pretty shy with strangers. Also, I like to act in the moment, which corresponds with the preference of sensing over intuition. I also am pretty balanced in feeling and thinking, which I feel is accurate. Overall, I felt that this was a good test.

Accident Proneness Test
According to the accident proneness test, I am 58% sensation seeking. This means that I am in between liking constant stimulus and wanting everything to be the same. I guess this makes sense because while I enjoy some variety in my life, it's not like I want everything to be constantly changing. Also, it said I enjoy activities that give an adrenaline boost, which is accurate because I really like roller coasters and similar attractions.

IQ Test
After taking the IQ test, it said that I had an IQ of 137. This is in the 98th percentile of the population, which means that I am way above average. However, an IQ of 140 or higher is required to be considered a genius IQ, so I am slightly below genius. However, to be considered official, an IQ test must be administered by a psychologist, so these results may not be valid.

Hogwarts House Test
According to the Hogwarts House test, I am a Ravenclaw. However, this brings the validity of this test into question, as Pottermore actually sorted me into Hufflepuff, and this test in fact said Hufflepuff was the house I was least like. Considering that Pottermore is the official, JK Rowling endorsed source, this test is probably inaccurate. However, I feel that several of the qualities listed for Ravenclaws describe me well, so it might have some validity.

Egoism/ Altruism Test
My score on the egoism/ altruism test was a 61/100. This means that I am relatively helpful, but I still like to focus on myself. This makes me believe that this is a relatively valid test. While I do enjoy helping my friends and others with things such as schoolwork and offering rides to places, I also tend to focus on myself and do not put others ahead of myself very much. 


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