Week 6: Dear AP Psych Student...

Well, this is it. My last blog post, and the last grade of the year. It's been a great year. I learned a lot, had fun, and I know I did well on the AP Test.
My advice for anyone taking AP Psych in the future is to DO THE VOCAB!!! I cannot stress how important this is. The tests are based entirely on the vocab, and if you do not do it your chances of doing well are slim to none. For the first three tests, I did the vocab and ended up getting a really good grade. However, I did not do the vocab for the last two tests and I ended up almost failing them. Do your vocab before every test, and do not wait until the last night to do it. Actually follow the study plans she gives you.
The most fun activity all semester was the play-doh brain project. For this project, we spent two days building an accurate brain out of play-doh, and it was lots of fun. It was also a really good way for us to learn all the structures of the brain, as Ms. Halfen explained the function of each structure as we
made the brain.
In all honesty, I thought the content digs could be removed. While they were a helpful introduction to a unit, we hardly had enough time to finish them and we never got them back for review. In the extra time from removing content digs, we could do vocab or have extra review activities like Kahoot! and Quizlet Live. However, if we had more time to complete them and could take them home to study for the tests, the content digs would be much more helpful.
One thing you could do next year is to put the calendar on the whiteboard from Monday to Monday. There were many times that I would go to school on Mondays being scared or anxious about what was coming up in class. If you posted the calendar up to Monday, we would know what is coming up in class and not be as scared.


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